• Supertux For Mac

    Supertux For Mac

    Donate Bitcoins Be aware of transaction fees. Review the donation page for information. Screenshots More Screenshots Welcome. SuperTux is a open-source classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games.

    I've put together a Mac OS X package of the open source project SuperTux - a 2D side-scroller with a Super Mario Bros. Although the project is still in its early phases (v. 0.1.1), the SuperTux development guys have done a superb job so far and the game is already quite playable. Since I don't have any other Macs for testing the OS X package, I'd appreciate getting some feedback to see if it runs okay. Since I compiled this on Panther (gcc 3.3), I have no idea whether it runs on Jaguar systems or earlier. I am aware of an issue in OpenGL windowed mode, where mouse movement is reversed along the vertical axis (this seems to be a bug with the SDL libraries) - OpenGL fullscreen mode should work fine. SuperTux Project: Mac OS X package (select supertux-0.1.1-macosx.dmg): Thanks!

    First, I notice that in the intro, if you press return, you can scroll through the text faster. That's a nice touch. Second, I replicated the OpenGL/mouse reversal thing. Third, I can't get the game to run!

    I get through the intro, and then go to the loading screen, and then get a message that says, 'The application SuperTux has unexpectedly quit. The system and other applications have not been affected.'

    This occurs regardless of which slot I pick to start a game, whether I'm using OpenGl, or in full screen or windowed mode. OS 10.2.8, G4 867 MHz, 768 MB Ram, GeForce 4. Let me know if I can be of any help tracking down this bug! Thanks for your replies, everyone. It looks like the current build of SuperTux will only be supported by Panther, but I'll try to add Jaguar-compatibility in future builds. Once such a build is ready, I'll post the link to this thread to see if it works. By the way, since I simply ported SuperTux to Mac OS X, direct any feature requests regarding gameplay to the SuperTux development group - there's a mailing list and IRC channel, and the developers appreciate receiving comments - and compliments as well.

    SupertuxSupertux For Mac

    SuperTux is a clone of Super Mario Bros starring Tux, the Linux mascot. This is a 2D game that uses OpenGL graphics engine as. The goal is to complete the 26 scenarios where you'll find 9 different enemies. From the functional point of view, SuperTux is identical to Super Mario Bros.

    In it you will find the classic coins, bricks blocks, mushrooms (which have been replaced by snowballs) or the flower that allows you to shoot fireballs. As in Super Mario Bros, SuperTux levels are organized worlds. And thanks to the level editor you can create your own scenarios.

    Supertux For Mac